This weekend I'm working to get the word out about my 30th High School Reunion. Pictured are:
- the boy I grew up talking about God with
- the girl I wanted to be in High School
- the boy I considered a friend who died at too young an age and I dont know why... it seems like I should
- the girl who thanked me in her senior section for being her friend who I've totally lost touch with
- the boy who gave me my first kiss
I'm all over the board on this reunion thing. I've never been before. Honestly had no desire to go before.But a friend is leading the reunion planning and I told her I'd help with social media.
I also remember my dad telling me that at the 30th it's nice because people have mostly settled into their own skin and stop trying to be something and just be themselves.
I've posted all our year book photos on facebook and I loved an exchange I had yesterday with one girl. I commented that she was beautiful and her reply was...
Thank you, I was (beautiful) and I didn't even know it.That kind of sums up what I'm hoping for with the reunion... that somehow spending a few hours together will help us realize more who we really are. Not who we, or others, thought we were in high school. I sure hope so.