Sunday, November 2, 2008

Living in the Moment

lately... i've been trying to live in the moment.
I'm a planner... a solver... a doer, so this is a stretch for me.
Today we "fell back" one hour, this morning God woke me up at what would have been the normal time, so I've spent the day trying to figure out how to spend my extra hour. It was a full day... work, lunch with Mike and Molly, home for less than an hour of nap, so that didn't count, back to work, speak at Pathways & Connections for a little bit, singing at hymn night and then it happened. I had the chance to have dinner with the Carlson's and Kathy Hartrum. We had a nice visit and it was a great way to spend the hour with some people I dont normally get to see.

So, how did you spend yours?


April said...

Living in the moment; being fully present. Not easy, but totally worth it. For me, it's a conscious effort, but when I really catch myself and am able to fully focus on a moment in time, I'm amazed at how much more enjoyable it is. I'm sure that's what the old saying, "take time to smell the roses" means. Don't just walk past them...notice their beauty, smell them, engage your senses. Hmmm, maybe I'll have to ask you how you're doing with this venture? you can ask me too!

I think I spent my extra hour praying for God to give my legs, back and feet energy for all the choir stuff yesterday. haha. i don't know how you pull off those long days on a regular basis...yikes! but it was sooo much fun and i was actually kind of hyper at the end of our night of hymns. i had to listen and "car dance" to nicole c. mullen's "brain wash" so i could get out the energy. (if you haven't heard the song, well you need to borrow my cd and listen to it!)

it was sooooo great to have you standing next to me for the 11 yesterday. you should do that more often!

April said...

P.S. Just to encourage you...this week in Honduras would be a GREAT time to really practice living in the moment...