Thursday, June 11, 2009

my estate

"My friends (and family) are my estate."
- Emily Dickinson
So… let’s face it, I am a doer…

I believe that something “magical” happens when people figure out what God designed them to do, and they do it.
I’m not really a dreamer… I prefer this role, “when you all have a plan tell me and I’ll figure out how to make it happen."
I’m not the girl who has unlocked the value of silence and solitude. Puhleez.
I think God likes me more when I’m serving. I realize this is stupid and me and Barb Feil are working this one out.
I’m not funny on demand.
Or the friend you call when you just need someone to talk to because I am a verbal processor (prefer this to interrupter).
But… in my life recently there are few friends who God is using to round me out, to teach me the value of presence.
This is a good thing.

Except I leave day after tomorrow for two weeks and I am really struggling to resolve how I am going to be away from them, those pictured and others.
I really don’t like the thought of not BEing with them.
This is new for me.
I have lived a life of shallow and transient relationships, but the older I get and the older my children are, I am changing.
Thank God.
Even when it hurts.
If I was still in DO mode I could have things lined up, people in place, stuff surrounding them to hold them up, money left for meals and emergencies and have felt good about going.
But that is no longer the case.
Even as I look forward to the next two weeks, I am heavy hearted to be going- to be leaving my estate.


Heather Witherow said...

Hey Friend,
As one who has left her "estate" as you put it...I've learned that you never really leave those you love and treasure. They're love is in you and your love is in them. I get it when you say that you don't really want to leave right now, at this time. It's hard, especially when things happen and you're not there to "do" what you want to. That's where I've learned that what you "do" is pray and let our Father "do" what He does best. Have a blast in Honduras! It's time for you to "do" something great there for His glory and honor! Praying for you these two weeks!
With love, Heather

Heather Witherow said...

Hey Friend,
As one who has left her "estate" as you put it...I've learned that you never really leave those you love and treasure. They're love is in you and your love is in them. I get it when you say that you don't really want to leave right now, at this time. It's hard, especially when things happen and you're not there to "do" what you want to. That's where I've learned that what you "do" is pray and let our Father "do" what He does best. Have a blast in Honduras! It's time for you to "do" something great there for His glory and honor! Praying for you these two weeks!
With love, Heather

Melinda said...

...and while you are away, I will be praying for all of your doer-ing, just like when you are busy doer-ing here in Oregon.

Chuck Hanson said...

Hmm...does sound a bit like all producers are created/wired in a similar fashion...time is what God uses to "weather us" into a more finished product for His good pleasure. Blessings on your trip, God will use you in mighty and unpredicted ways.